Vertical Report Field

Doug Easterbrook doug at
Mon Oct 28 14:10:10 UTC 2024

hi Juan.

From memory and old release notes, I believe you set it by doing text escapes via style()

as in

Calculate #S1 as con(style(kEscAngle,kAngle90),"im now rotated 90")

there is also kAngle0,kAngle180, kAngle270 as constants.    You may be able to use other angles.

and just to try it, I changed a constant on one of my columns in a report to be

[con(style(kEscAngle,kAngle90),'Mail List #')]

and it printed it bottom to top.   you have to have enough vertical space for it to see the entire thing, but it did make it vertical.

here’s the omnis link to it — it does not say much.

I dug up the Omnis 8.1 PDF manual that says a little more:

In addition to using field styles for styling fields or text in your windows, you can use the
style() function which can insert one or more style characters or “text escape”
characters (represented by an Omnis constant) into a text calculation. Note you can
also use text escapes and the style() function in text and fields in reports. You can use
the style() function in the calculation of the following window fields or objects:
 Text object and Text type of Shape field (in the text itself, must be enclosed in
square brackets)
 Headed List Box
 Combo box (list portion only)
Plus the following window components when their $styledtext property is enabled:
 List Box
 Dropdown List
 Tree List (style() can be used in the list definition)

text escape
Description and possible value
kEscAdjustPos Changes the position of the text using x.y value
kEscAngle Rotates the text using the value kAngle0, kAngle90, or kAngle270
kEscBmp Inserts an image specified by icon ID in value (you can include icon size constant, e.g. 1756+k16x16)
kEscColor Changes color of text specified by rgb() value or a color constant under the Colors group in the Catalog
kEscCTab Inserts a Center tab at the specified pixel position in value
kEscLTab Inserts a Left tab at the specified pixel position in value
kEscRTab Inserts a Right tab at the specified pixel position in value
kEscStyle Changes the style of the text using a font style const

Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at
Phone (403) 650-1978

> On Oct 28, 2024, at 6:27 AM, Juan Bofill <juanbofillaba at> wrote:
> Hi all
> Is it possible to rotate a report field 90º. I think I saw some notation some time ago but can not remember nor find it.
> Thanks
> Juan Bofill
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