
Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak gpasternak at cogeco.ca
Wed Oct 23 14:26:36 UTC 2024


I took another look at these 2 additional dll files, I have indeed found reference to them after dusting off my hard drive a little 
(\\Mac\Home\Desktop\Artsman\ExcelFormat390AndDemo\ExcelFormat372\64bit- Sudio 6 and 8\beside Omnis_exe only if needed)

I copied/pasted them with full admin rights to my second Omnis Studio 6.1.3 64 bit installation on Windows 11 - the one that does not load ExcelFormat - it did NOT make any difference.

As mentioned in my previous email, the other dev installation for the same Omnis version (just different dev license) on the same machine loads ExcelFormat without any problems - this seems to be a consitent behavior with what the customer experiences (I have to deal with this issue today).

So, while the life would be easier if I could simply copy/paste those two additional dll's into xcomp, this does not seem to be the solution.

I think moving "workstation" installation off app server to a different machine would help but I don't expect this to be easy "to swallow" today.
Installing 32bit Omnis 6.1.3 instead of the 64bit used by "workstations" ?  This may work but can simply replace one problem with a different problem.

I am running out of ideas.
What else can I try?

Grzegorz (Greg) Pasternak

> On Oct 23, 2024, at 5:11 AM, Phil (OmnisList) <phil at pgpotter.co.uk> wrote:
> msvcp110.dll

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