Force combo box list to drop?

Paul Mulroney pmulroney at
Thu Oct 17 01:52:27 UTC 2024

Hi $all,

Is there a way to make the droplist for a combo to drop down using command or notation?  I'm trying to make an auto-complete field and there's a number of matches - it would be cool to show them in a droplist underneath the field and I thought a combo box might be the easiest way to get there.


I saw an ad that said "Radio for sale. $1. Volume stuck on full"
I thought "I can't turn that down"!
Paul W. Mulroney                                            We Don't Do Simple Pty Ltd 
pmulroney at       Trading as Logical Developments                   ACN 161 009 374 
Ph: +61 8 9458 3889                                       86 Coolgardie Street
                                                                         BENTLEY  WA  6102

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