Studio HUB/Faults
Doug Easterbrook
doug at
Wed Oct 9 16:13:54 UTC 2024
Hi Philip, et al.
Mike is right - a good place to discuss some of these issues is directly with the engineers at Euromnis or one of the other conferences.
We are on studio now program and I have the latest 11.2 release. Access to more frequent releases was something that was asked at past conferences (more than once) and we now have that feature. Omnis apparently chose to make these interim releases available to ODPP members on the maintenance program.
In some ways, I can’t blame this approach as you likely don’t want new developers on cutting edge release. For longer term developers that have an understanding of Omnis, it is a good idea.
back to the question? why can’t we see fixes and stuff in studio 11.x hub (or even studio 10.x) hub. I’ve asked for that as a support case .. since I want to see what is being fixed, what is new problems and such, so that I can make an evaluation what I want to release. as in a filter by version in the hub. That would help for all developers. That could be brought up at euromnis.
As far as regression goes with problems its still there. I do know that there has been a concentrated effort to migrate all their development into automated build and test systems over the past few years. I think Omnis is there now. I would love to be able to run automated tests of new versions against each successive build of omnis, but that also means that it is our responsibility ad developers to build testing harnesses. Alex Clay has it right in his excellent sessions on how to use Omnis TAPI (which is part of his Ssessions at Euromnis). He’ll also be talking about a postgres testing harness.
this doesn’t alleviate the issues of two steps forward and one back with each succeeding version of Studio. It can be a little frustrating ot find that bug (hence why we need our own testing harnesses).
on the other hand, some things are getting better. I do like the revised studio app structure for Mac OS in studio 11.2.38721. All the executable code like xcomps have been moved out of the main omnis tree, and only the omnis executable is in that tree. It has caused me to think where to place my own additions to omnis … and I now have a very clean deployment that minimizes issues with Gatekeeper and all that horrendous (and somewhat necessary) clampdown on signing with each Mac OS release.
Perfect world, we’d all have the latest versions of all software (including omnis). Not everybody is equipped to handle the responsibility that comes with being on the edge.
However, I do agree that we should all have transparent knowledge of what is bug means, including descriptions of how it was created so that we can read up and decide what version we want to use. That too, is an awesome responsibility placed on the developer …. to understand that software has bugs, and that there are regressions (I’ve introduced some myself to our own code, despite testing. urrgh).
anyway. collect your thoughts and let omnis know. They do listen.
I can’t speak for Michael requiring a developer support contract to get the ‘latest version’. From my understanding, older versions do work but give a mesage that it is compiled for newer omnis release and you may run into issues. I do know he's aware of the xcomp headers tied xcomp builds to various versions of omnis. It hurts all of us. I can’t even use some of our own external (without crashing) against older (or newer) omnis. So, I can tell you that tight omnis/xcomp linkage is on Michael’s mind and he’s not sitting idly about it.
And michael will be at Euromnis, so there is another point of discussion that could be had with a plethora of developers in the room and with Omnis tech.
Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at
Phone (403) 650-1978
> On Oct 9, 2024, at 8:36 AM, philip.tulett at wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I would not mind if the issues I encountered were with new features, but they are not.
> The issues I have are with things that worked in 10.2 and 10.22 and were broken in 11.0, then fixed in later releases of 11.0 then broken again in 11.1.
> I have tried complaining about the quality of regression testing in the latest builds but have got nowhere other than to be told they are fixed now.
> There was no Beta testing with Studio 11, have been told beta testing is now in Studio Now...
> At one point I did regress one client to Studio 10 while they fixed the issues introduced in 11. Just wish I had left them there...
> Kind regards
> Philip
> -----Original Message-----
> From: omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en-bounces at> On Behalf Of Mike Matthews - Omnis via omnisdev-en
> Sent: 09 October 2024 16:29
> To: OmnisDev List - English <omnisdev-en at>
> Cc: Mike Matthews - Omnis <omnis at>
> Subject: Re: Studio HUB/Faults
> Ah, and herein lies the aged old problem.
> Features / bug fixes vs revenue and business model.
> Now that Omnis have moved to a subscription service, RMA, developers and users and commercial users have a decision to make. Economics as always:
> New features are good, and more often than twice a year, the RMA is a monthly release.
> New features introduce bugs into existing code, at every monthly release, so stick with solid releases. Don’t trail blaze.
> How do you balance those two options?
> This will be discussed in more detail at<> on Wednesday afternoon session, where Omnis will deliver their roadmap for the next 12-18 months. Please register to be involved, as Jim Pistrang is busy early November with some other business, so his invaluable notes won’t be available.
> Thank you
> Mike Matthews
> Lineal Software Solutions
> Commercial House, The Strand<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1> Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 1EU<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1>
> omnis at<mailto:mike.matthews at>
> On 9 Oct 2024, at 18:02, philip.tulett at<mailto:philip.tulett at> wrote:
> Caution: This is a message which has originated from outside the organisation. Ensure the sender is trusted and the content is safe before opening links or attachments.
> Hi Xavier
> I have noted the same in Studio 11.1, however Faults/Updates are appearing in Studio Now 11.2 Hub page.
> I think there is a push from Omnis to get everyone to join RMA.
> I have several issues with Studio 11.1 that have been fixed in Studio Now
> 11.2 but they have not yet released a new build for Studio 11.1 I have tested the fixes with Studio Now 11.2 time limited evaluation license.
> A downside is that BrainyData considers Studio Now 11.2 a beta and will only release PDF Device software if you have a developer Support contract on top of your standard maintance.
> Kind regards
> Philip
> -----Original Message-----
> From: omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en-bounces at<mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at>> On Behalf Of IT
> Sent: 09 October 2024 15:21
> To: OmnisDev List - English <omnisdev-en at<mailto:omnisdev-en at>>
> Subject: Studio HUB/Faults
> Hi all,
> With latest general release of Omnis Studio 11.1 seems that the Faults list in the Omnis HUB is not updated anymore.
> Is the any other place where look for known bugs in Omnis?
> regards
> xavier
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