Upgrading Omnis/User pic 10.22 Runtime

Doug Easterbrook doug at artsman.com
Thu Jan 11 21:58:46 UTC 2024

 omnispic.df1 is in firstruninstall/convert/omnispic.df1

I can see a few places where things might get hung up:

1) When you built your installer, if the installer is pointing to older/other copies of that file, rather than the one within the omnis runtime tree

2) if you DID NOT alter the resources in ‘resources/English/localizable.strings’ to tell omnis where your firstruninstall folder is deployed to…. then those files went into. the users ~/Library/Application Support/Omnis folder.

if files were already there, then they would NOT be replaced.    hence, maybe why you are getting issues.

I’d go in there and clear out all the folders that said Omnis R/T for the version of omnis you are using so that next time you start studio, it will recreate the folder.

that way…. you’ll get the latest of omnispic.df1.        

 I’ve had zero issues — and thats probably because I always:
1) specify the omnis resources file 'resources/English/localizable.strings’ a new folder for each runtime version of omnis
2) clear out the omnis folders in ~/Library/Application Support/Omnis every time I run a physical installer so that I know I get all the latest files I keep in ‘firstRunInstall’

thats by guess.      

Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at artsman.com
Phone (403) 650-1978

> On Jan 11, 2024, at 11:42 AM, Das Goravani <goravanis at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well it’s opening the ones installed when you install a 10.22 runtime. 
> These 2 messages come up when you run the runtime. It is certainly trying to open those 2 files that are installed in the Startup folder when you install a 10.22 runtime. I believe Omnis forgot to update them before making the 10.22 application.
> I do not replace them with older copies. I am allowing it to provide the 2 files. 
> So it’s an Omnis oversight I think.
> But the question remains, HOW do you update them?
> Do you open them in the ICON EDITOR using a Dev copy?
> When I first got this message during testing I thought to replace them in the runtime with copies from my dev copy of 10.22 which does not give me this message upon opening but that alone did not do it. 
> Something is wrong with the 10.22 Windows Runtime. 
> Me thinks. 
> It runs if you click OK On the 2 messages. 
> Thank God for that. 
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