Can't copy to Mac from VMWare Windows
Mike Matthews - Omnis
omnis at
Mon Jan 8 15:59:42 UTC 2024
Hello Das,
Not sure about VM Fusion, but Parallels works fine. However, you do need to install Parallel’s set of tools in order to do this, and they get updated with each new version of Parallels as well.
Mike Matthews
Lineal Software Solutions
Commercial House, The Strand<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1> Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 1EU<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1>
omnis at<mailto:mike.matthews at><><>
On 8 Jan 2024, at 15:42, Das Goravani <goravanis at<mailto:goravanis at>> wrote:
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Dear All,
I have VMWare Fusion, and a Windows 10 virtual machine.
I have had it for a long time.
Normally, you can Copy by dragging to your Mac or you can hit Control-C then Command-V
Today, I cannot drag files. It stops at the edge of the VM and won’t let me drag past that onto my Mac folder.
And Control-C only works sometimes.
Do you know of anything that I could change to make this work better?
I can’t get my Windows version installer onto my Mac where I need it.
This has never happened before. I could always drag onto my Mac.
Any ideas?
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