Happy New Year, but then Notarising

Mike Rowan mgrowan at fastmail.com
Sun Jan 7 01:27:36 UTC 2024

Hi all out there
I am grappling with using the Deployment Tool in Studio 10.22 on Venture to Notarise my little app for use on a small bunch of iMacs.

My current stumbling block is the Codesigning Certificate. What Apple has provided as a Development cert is named "mac_development.cert" but I see from the Omnis docs that this should be followed by my company name (or perhaps my Apple Developer name or ID ?) and then some code in brackets, which presumably identifies the app.

My question is : At what stage do these extra pieces of data get entered and added to the vert name?

Any help would be most appreciated.

Mike Rowan
Mobile: 0417 812 509
Email: mgrowan at fastmail.com

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