Enter Data not allowing button click response

TBS andyh at totallybrilliant.com
Mon Jan 1 21:21:06 UTC 2024

Hi all - firstly a Happy New Year to all $listers !

I have come across something I have not seen before !!

I have a modal prompt window, which works just fine with an ‘Enter Data’ call, and then the user can click on a button in the window and on we go - nothing unusual or exciting…...

However I have a situation where - after a little while of working fine after the app starts, the Enter Data command halts execution as expected, but the users clicking on buttons does nothing any more - and for the life of me I cannot see why this is happening !!! The Stack is still alive and well - in dev mode I can set the Go Point and tell it to carry on, and it does - so I am curious as to what action is causing a known working window to all of a sudden become dumb at an Enter Data call ? I don’t know if it is maybe the buttons being made inactive or what (I have verified that the windows $keepclikcs is kTrue as is its $enterable property) but I’m a little stumped so just wondering if anyone has come across this sort of thing before and can recall what it may have been ?

Andy Hilton
Totally Brilliant Software Inc
Phone (US) : (863) 409 4870
Phone (UK) : 0207 193 8582
Web : www.totallybrilliant.com
Helpdesk : https://totallybrilliantsoftware.supportsystem.com/
Email : andyh at totallybrilliant.com

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