Is #L8 truly global?

Mike Matthews - Omnis omnis at
Fri Nov 10 09:07:11 UTC 2023

Hello Kelly,

Yes, you are quite right.  I had a local var as my list definition.  When I used #S5, all was good.


Mike Matthews

Lineal Software Solutions
Commercial House, The Strand<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1> Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 1EU<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1>

omnis at<mailto:mike.matthews at><><>

On 9 Nov 2023, at 13:08, Kelly Burgess <kellyb at<mailto:kellyb at>> wrote:

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Hi Mike,

But if you close Library A, then #L8 disappears.

I think technically what's getting blown away is the list definition.

My testing shows two of my #Ln lists survived closing all libraries, and four others did not.

The ones that survived were either defined for hash variables, or were constructed using e.g. #L7.$cols.$add('pattern',kCharacter,...).

The ones that didn't survive were defined for file class variables, instance variables and local variables - so those lists' definitions disappeared with the closing of the library containing the classes defining their column variables.

Does your library A definition of #L8 depend on something that goes away when library A closes?

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