Omnis 6.1.3 on Linux unable to save pdf

TBS andyh at
Tue Nov 7 20:07:12 UTC 2023

Hi folks

Scratching my head with a daft issue - running Omnis 6.1.3 under Linux (last desktop version which will do so) and I have an instance where one user is not able to print reports as pdf’s - they get saved as a zero length ‘.txt’ file instead - but other users on the same machine work fine saving pdf’s (using the Omnis python reportlab option as no Brainy component for this version on Linux)

Clearly I have done something (or more likely forgotten to do something) when copying the Omnis folder from user to user but cannot either remember what or work out what ! Does this ring any bells with anyone else who uses Linux Omnis ??

Andy Hilton
Totally Brilliant Software Inc
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