How to do Notarization Now Nov 1 23 Sonoma

Mike Matthews - Omnis omnis at
Thu Nov 2 08:54:46 UTC 2023

Hello Das,

I certainly don’t need to do this.  Just the one script.  This if for v10.22 and v11.00

What are invalid when you ask for the results.  At this point you use the big number to get the results back as per my last email.

Mike Matthews

Lineal Software Solutions
Commercial House, The Strand<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1> Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 1EU<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1>

omnis at<mailto:mike.matthews at><><>

On 1 Nov 2023, at 17:58, Das Goravani <goravanis at<mailto:goravanis at>> wrote:

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Well I was able to run the Notary Tool Submit command, it uploaded and processed but it came back "invalid".

I checked what that means with the command that gives you info on your submission and it listed a few files saying they weren’t signed or didn’t have a secure timestamp on them.

My —deep code sign command is supposed to sign all files and it includes the —timestamp command, so it’s odd that these things happened.

I guess I’m going to have to use Omnis to build a list of all files inside Omnis and from that create a script that has one code sign line for each file… like the way Phil Potter does it.

This is a major bummer.

If anyone knows how to code sign on Sonoma without building a massive script let me know.

Das Goravani
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