How to do Notarization Now Nov 1 23 Sonoma

Phil (OmnisList) phil at
Wed Nov 1 16:29:25 UTC 2023

Hi Das,

Detritus message is when this step has not been run:

On 01/11/2023 13:35, Das Goravani wrote:
 > This next command should be run before you try to code sign. This
 > command removes attributes from the Omnis app you are notarizing.
 > xattr -c -r "path to your Omnis app"

You say:
So I signed my app on Catalina. I then tried to run the "store 
credentials" command.

I don't believe I used the later notary tool on Catalina, just later 
OS's, maybe it only works on later OS's?

Phil Potter
Based in Chester in the UK.

On 01/11/2023 14:51, Das Goravani wrote:
> Well today I tried using the commands I gave in previous post on this subject and encountered errors.
> When trying to code sign my app, on the third command it came back with "detritus not allowed".
> I was able to code sign using these code sign commands on Catalina, on a virtual machine I have. Something about these code sign commands works on Catalina with an older XCODE but not on the current OS with the latest XCODE.
> So I signed my app on Catalina. I then tried to run the "store credentials" command.
> I got an error on that which I can’t figure out, which I made another post about today you can see.
> So I’m stuck on store credentials. I wrote to "Quinn the Eskimo" at Apple Developer Support. Hopefully he will get back to me with some help.
> Das
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