JS Form File

Das Goravani goravanis at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 15:00:37 UTC 2023

> On Mar 25, 2023, at 2:39 AM, Kelly Burgess <kellyb at montana.com> wrote:
> Hi Das,
>> I have this line of code that it is stopping on saying "Notation not supported"
>> Do $cinst.$objs.jsFormFile.$action.$assign(kJSFileActionDownload)
>> < . . . >
>> I made my $pdfcomplete method have only one line, it calls that method back in the form
> Since you said the code worked before you started calling it from $pdfcomplete, I think the problem is that $pdfcomplete gets called asynchronously, so it's not really in any scope.  When you call from there into your form method, $cinst likely doesn't resolve to the form.  Try to fiddle that line to be
>  Do $iremoteforms.yourFormName.$objs.jsFormFile.$action.$assign(kJSFileActionDownload)
> and see if that notation resolves better than with $cinst.

I did this the other day, used FULL path gotten from the notation inspector, all the way from ROOT, still got stuck.

I do think, agree with you, that the side trip to $pdfcomplete and calling back from there blows away something. Scope may be it. It’s obvious that something key got blown away by that side trip.

I’m going to 
Change it back to where my download code follows my print code in the form
But have a repeat loop with short sleep in it
And that is checking a task variable for the word "complete"
I will set it to "complete" in $pdfcomplete
I will set it to blank just before we print
So $pdfcomplete will set it to complete and my repeat loop will sense that and quit
So then I never leave the form
I think that might work

It’s kludgy I know.. funky as could be, but they leave me no choice

Thanks for all your attention to this matter. 

> Kelly
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