undefined variables

Phil (OmnisList) phil at pgpotter.co.uk
Fri Mar 3 14:06:55 UTC 2023


It will show you the variable contents, IF it is in debug mode, and you 
select a valid instance of the code...

So, for window methods, bottom left you have buttons, 3rd of which is 
currently show debug panel.

Then on the stack list header area, right click, where you can select 
the instance you want to look at.

Then the variables will have contents as per that instance of the window.

Phil Potter
Based in Chester in the UK.

On 03/03/2023 12:40, Daniel Sananes wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I find the following a bit strange.
> A window is opened.
> There are instance variables with values that I can see in the Catalog.
> If I put the method editor to front and try to see the values for the variables by hovering the mouse over the variables in the code, I get the value "undefined".
> Is this really the way it should be?
> I mean, the window instance is open.
> I think in some previous Studio-versions one could force the window variables values to be seen in the method editor by clicking on a menu line inside the method editor.
> /Daniel
> 0736 704070
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