The New Product

Sten-Erik Björling s-e.bjorling at
Sat May 28 09:24:26 UTC 2022


Maybe propose to Omnis a worker object for Python?

Hint, hint….



> 27 maj 2022 kl. 23:03 skrev Ben Butler <760.f563 at>:
> Hi All,
> Personally I have a lot of time for both Omnis UK the company and the product, I still use it and it kicks butt in many areas and has a great community.  Now, for the sorts of things I do I inevitably end up pairing studio with python, whether on a fat client of via a rest api to a server.  With the plethora of things you can integrate with in python and the power of the Omnis gui it is a fairly unbeatable combination for scale and breath plus cross platform imho.
> My 2c but I believe the true power of Omnis is revealed when we embrace its ability to integrate, whether that be a native extension, a system call, a remote api call, and whether we want fat, thin or ultra style front ends.
> Omnis plus python is very powerful, 2 + 2 really can equal 10 some times.
> Kelly and other do really cool stuff with extensions and C, I am not that advanced / C coder.  Sure there are things I would like to see, such as a integration, but I struggle to find things I cant do with the above combination even if I have to jump via python to get to where I want to be without going anywhere near the plague of corporate Java land.
> Kind Regards
> Ben

Sten-Erik Björling
Enviro Data
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SE-972 32  Luleå

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