text color of $contenttip

Mischa mischa at omnislab.com
Sat Mar 5 01:01:23 UTC 2022

Amazing! For $tooltip it works, but unfortunately not for $contenttip.
One more example that the properties of window fields sometimes are not
really consistent.

Thanks for trying to help

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: omnisdev-en [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com] Im Auftrag
von Michael Mantkowski
Gesendet: Samstag, 5. März 2022 00:08
An: 'OmnisDev List - English'
Betreff: RE: text color of $contenttip

I do this...

Calculate cvRef.$tooltip as con(style(kEscBmp ,72505),'Test Tool Tip')

Michael Mantkowski
ClienTrax Software

-----Original Message-----
From: omnisdev-en On Behalf Of Mischa
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 5:33 PM
To: 'OmnisDev List - English' <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com>
Subject: Re: text color of $contenttip

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your reply.
>> You can however add icons using the style()

Very interesting. I tried [style(kEscBmp,92000000)] Search
(92000000 is the iconID for my search icon), but this does not work for me,

How are you assigning the icon?


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: omnisdev-en [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com] Im Auftrag
von Michael Mantkowski
Gesendet: Freitag, 4. März 2022 23:11
An: 'OmnisDev List - English'
Betreff: RE: text color of $contenttip

I don't believe that you can change the color.  You can however add icons
using the style().

Michael Mantkowski
ClienTrax Software

-----Original Message-----
From: omnisdev-en On Behalf Of Mischa
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 4:48 PM
To: 'OmnisDev List - English' <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com>
Subject: text color of $contenttip

 Dear all,

I would like to change the text color of $contenttip. Assigning a style()
function seems not to work.
Also, there appears to be no $prefs setting.

Anybody already achieved this?


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