O$: SQLite, Table.$dowork() and sequence numbers
Paul Mulroney
pmulroney at logicaldevelopments.com.au
Tue Jul 26 06:43:05 UTC 2022
Hi Dan,
Thanks for your email. That will work for Studio versions > 10.0. In earlier versions, the version of SQLite doesn't support the Returning clause. In older versions of Omnis, the $session.$lastrowid has the value that we want to use.
The other aspect is how we get that record id back into the row/list that is defined by the table object. I think it's a matter of overriding the right $dowork(), $doinsert(), $insert() methods, but I'm still figuring that bit out. This is what I have so far:
The $insert() method in the table class is something like this:
> if Postgres
> do $setNewIdent_Postgres() returns vnRecordID ;; calls Postgres nextval() to get our record id
> calculate $cinst.[isPrimaryKeyName] as vnRecordID ;; set the the primary key prior to insert
> end if
> do default
> if SQLite
> do $setNewIdent_SQLite() returns vnRecordID ;; reads $session.$lastrowid to get our record id
> calculate $cinst.[isPrimaryKeyName] as vnRecordID ;; get the primary key that was used to isnert
> end if
The $dowork() method in the table class is something like this:
> if Postgres
> Do $cinst.$sendall($cinst.$setNewIdent(),$ref.$status=kRowInserted)
> end if
> do default
The $doinsert() method in the table class is something like this:
> do default
> if SQLite
> calculate vnRecordID as voSession.$lastrowid
> calculate $cinst.[pnline].[isPrimaryKeyName] as vnRecordID ;; get the primary key that was used to insert.
> end if
I'm wondering if anyone else is using SQLite and table classes to do their work?
> On 26 Jul 2022, at 12:10 pm, dlr at futurechalk.com wrote:
> Hello Paul,
> Is this what your looking for maybe - link to web page https://www.sqlite.org/lang_returning.html <https://www.sqlite.org/lang_returning.html>
> Dan Ridinger
>> On Jul 25, 2022, at 8:18 PM, Paul Mulroney via omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com> wrote:
>> Hi $All
>> We're investigating using SQLite for a demo version of our software. We use sequence numbers which are automatically generated for unique record IDs. Currently we use Postgres, and in our $dowork() method of our Table superclass we have the following to generate the new sequence number for us automatically:
>> $dowork:
>>> Do $cinst.$sendall($cinst.$setNewIdent(),$ref.$status=kRowInserted)
>>> Do default Returns vbOK
>>> Quit method vbOK
>> and the $setNewIdent method:
>>> Set reference voStatement to $cinst.$statementobject
>>> Begin statement
>>> Sta: {SELECT nextval('[$cinst.$servertablenames]_[isPrimaryKeyName]_seq')} ;; Postgres - eg SELECT nextval('fContract_seq_seq')
>>> End statement
>>> Get statement vsQuery
>>> Do voStatement.$prepare() Returns vbOK
>>> If vbOK
>>> Do voStatement.$execute()
>>> Do voStatement.$fetchinto($cinst.[isPrimaryKeyName]) ;; If this is a row or a line in a list, return into this column
>>> Quit method vbOK
>> In SQLite, that doesn't exist. Instead there's a RowID property, which is the equivalent of the sequence number. The problem is, this is automatically generated AFTER the record is created, so we can't use the pre-emptive method that we use in Postgres.
>> My question is this: is there a way to achieve the same in SQLite? Is there a way we could add a "returning rowid" to the insert SQL command and then read that back into the table row/list instance?
>> Regards,
>> Paul.
>> "Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie where you're also the murderer."
>> --
>> Paul W. Mulroney We Don't Do Simple Pty Ltd
>> pmulroney at logicaldevelopments.com.au Trading as Logical Developments
>> www.logicaldevelopments.com.au ACN 161 009 374
>> Ph: +61 8 9458 3889 86 Coolgardie Street
>> BENTLEY WA 6102
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Paul W. Mulroney We Don't Do Simple Pty Ltd
pmulroney at logicaldevelopments.com.au Trading as Logical Developments
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