Selected Line Only

Doug Easterbrook doug at
Mon Jul 11 14:34:22 UTC 2022

hi Martin.

people have touched on various ways to process selected lines in a list.    Thise is stuff I’ve found to be useful in my past

option 1:   For each line in list

advantages ..

1) tends to be faster than processing selected lines using option 2 (at least in historical benchmarks, I haven’t redone benchmarks in a few years to see if the notation version has improved in performance
2) uses a reversible block to restore the current list and line number when finished


1 loops within loops processing multiple lists .. not so easy

begin reversible block
   set current list as myList
   calcilate myList.$line as myList.$line
end reversible block

For each line in list (Selected lines only) from 1 to myList.$linecount step 1

end for

option 2.  using notation, looping to only look at selected lines

Major  advantage:

you can do loops within loops processing lists
you can process selected lines
you can process selected lines in reverse order
you can add a filter that must match lines in order to be processed.

ie: the  ktrue parameter in $first and $next .  says selected lines only.  very useful to make it go faster
there are other parameers in the $first and $next to process the loop backwards and add filters

calculate orginalLine as mylist.$line

do myList.$first(ktrue) returns booleanFlag
while booleanFlag

   do myList.$next(0,ktrue) returns booleanFlag
end while

calculate mylist.$line as orginalLine

Option 3:  where you only care about the selected lines and want to do a bunch of work with them, never putting anything back into them

calculate templist as myList
do templlist.$remove(klistkeepselected)
for templist.$line from 1 to templist.$linecount

end for

or the notation version — which, I confess, I don’t use often — I prefer the above  ‘for’ construct

calculate templist as myList
do templlist.$remove(klistkeepselected)
do templlist.$first() returns booleanFlag
while booleanFlag

   do templlist.$next() returns booleanFlag
end while

These days, when I process selected lines in a list, expecially in table classes and for code safety, I use the $first(ktrue) and $nect(0,ktrue) approach

do myList.$first(ktrue) returns booleanFlag
while booleanFlag

   do myList.$next(0,ktrue) returns booleanFlag
end while

hope that helps.

Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at
Phone (403) 650-1978

> On Jul 10, 2022, at 1:20 PM, Martin Obongita via omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en at> wrote:
> Hi Friends, What is the syntax for "Selected lines only" in the FOR loop statement, For each line in list from 1 to iDataList step 1?
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