$loadcols $colcount

Rocco Ventura r.ventura at kunvi.it
Sat Apr 23 16:16:13 UTC 2022

I think better use $linecount instead of $rowcount __ 



Distinti saluti. Best regards.
Rocco Dr. Ventura
WMS Analist and Software Developer
KUNVI srl - Experiences Holding - www.kunvi.it <http://www.kunvi.it>
Email: r.ventura at kunvi.it - Mobile: +39 348 5186051

Il giorno 23/04/22, 14:54 "omnisdev-en per conto di Martin Obongita via omnisdev-en" <omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com per conto di omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com> ha scritto:

    It feels scary to post a question and no one replies. A state of hopelessness sinks in.

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 

      On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 at 13:20, Martin Obongita via omnisdev-en<omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com> wrote:   Happy to you ALL,
    I want to find out the number of rows in a variable of type row. I use the calculate command this way:
    Calculate lRowCount as pTableClassColsRow.$rowcount

    Calculate lColsCount as pTableClassColsRow.$colcount
    If I run these two lines, I get:The $rowcount returns NULL.        The $colcount returns 0        
    If I context-check 'pTableClassColsRow', I see 8 rows of values in a single column.
    I expected lRowCount and lColsCount values to contain 8, not null or 0.

        On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 11:59:39 PM GMT+3, Martin Obongita via omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com> wrote:  

      Hi Rudolf, the list is a $makelist from a schema table class.
    Thank you @ALL for your helps.

        On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 11:39:11 PM GMT+3, Rudolf Bargholz <rudolf at bargholz.ch> wrote:  

     Hi Martin,

    How are you defining your list/row? If it is using $definefromsqlclass() then you will not be able to move columns if I remember correctly. Only lists defined using $define() allow this type of behavior.



    -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
    Von: omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com> Im Auftrag von Martin Obongita via omnisdev-en
    Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. April 2022 21:55
    An: OmnisDev List - English <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com>
    Cc: Martin Obongita <martin.obongita at yahoo.com>
    Betreff: Re: $loadcols $colcount

     Hi Kelly,
    I am trying to move the column named 'id' from the first line in a list to the last using:Do lColsList.$sendall($ref.$line.$assign(lColsList.$linecount),($sendallref.lColsName='id'))This code does not react when executed.What have I missed out?
    Rgds, Martin.

        On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 12:56:14 AM GMT+3, Kelly Burgess <kellyb at montana.com> wrote:  

     Hi Martin,

    >the grid only displays columns defined as kCharacter

    You're into JS forms now, out of my area - I don't have experience with datagrids on remote forms, so someone else will have to comment.

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