Studio Windows to PG14

Doug Easterbrook doug at
Thu Apr 14 01:01:27 UTC 2022

hi Gary:

agreed with Phil

the pg_hba defaults to scram checksum as stronger than md5

however, if you edit the pg_hba.conf and change ’scram’ back to md5, then the old libpq.dll’s will work just fine.

if you want to use scram with pg4, you’ll need to get the latest libpq.dll from the postgres or pgadmin directory.  you may need a fe DLLs’ if you want to use TLS to connect, but if you just want the passwords to use scram authentication, you should just need the latest libpq.dll.

I’ll send you our libraries that give us scram and TLS if we want it.

Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at
Phone (403) 650-1978

> On April 13, 2022, at 2:45 PM, Phil (OmnisList) <phil at> wrote:
> Gary,
> PG14 uses scram-sha-256 encryption for logging on... as set in the hba file.
> As a result, I believe, you need to copy over the latest libpq.dll into the studio folder.
> along with the open SSL libs, libEGL, libGLES...
> This lib handles the connection for you, Omnis login remains as it was.
> running off memory, so rough details, but you get the gist.
> regards
> Phil Potter
> Based in Chester in the UK.
> On 13/04/2022 22:17, Gary Giumarra via omnisdev-en wrote:
>> I have a Studio 8.5 app running on Windows that has been running with a Postgresql 12 back end for a few years, but now we want to upgrade to PG14. Unfortunately, I have been unable to connect to the new PG14 server even though I can ping it and connect to it with pgAdmin from the same client machine. I am getting the $nativeerrortext  message "authentication method 10 not supported".
>> Any help appreciated.
>> Gary Giumarra
>> ggiumarra at       
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