Understanding IMAP Demo

Das Goravani goravanis at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 20:45:36 UTC 2022

Dear $all,

I am trying to understand the IMAP Demo that comes in Samples in the HUB in 10.2.

Specifically the "Action" of "List Mailboxes".

When you select List Mailboxes you are given a couple fields to fill in. One is Mailbox Name and the other is Mailboxes to List.

There are no results coming in the Result List.

I tried putting in SENT DRAFTS TRASH singly in the "Mailbox" field and comma separated in the "Mailboxes to list" field.

In all cases, nothing comes in the Result list. 

I thought, supposed, that it should give a short list like INBOX, TRASH, SENT, DRAFTS, maybe others. 

Does IMAP NOT maintain those mailboxes?

Or are those mailboxes maintained in your email client in it’s own database?

If I put INBOX and "List Messages" then I do get a list of messages. That’s working. 

Specifically Im wondering if an IMAP Mailbox maintains other folders besides INBOX and how to list them with this IMAP Demo. 


Das Goravani

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