A little problem
Das Goravani
goravanis at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 13:14:04 UTC 2021
the Xattr command is my first command in the script.
As it was doing it the Omnis way. I always do that first.
The —deep command inserts detritus.. as does our signing of everything.
I do not put anything into Omnis except in Xcomps and First run install.
Note that I have notarized many times using the Omnis way and the —deep command thus. My files did not cause any problems.
I have written to Apple Developer Forum about this and they always have something interesting to say.
I have written to Omnis Inc about it too.
I should NOT be getting this message. Code signing should NOT insert detritus.
The only path I see right now is for Omnis to give me a limited list of things to sign.. and see if that improves my lot.
It’s interesting that you achieved success under BigSur. I wonder what is different.
I am trying to sign Omnis 12.x 30204, the latest I think. I am using Xcode 12 and BigSur. My file are in the Omnis.
I just realized you want me to run Xattr BEFORE fetching files and creating script. I will try that.
Maybe that will make a difference.
> On Sep 30, 2021, at 9:03 AM, Phil <Phil at pgpotter.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Das,
> I replied on the list.
> But to reiterate, I was using Big Sur...
> Maybe you truly have unwanted files in the structure...
> Maybe run the xattr -rc command first, then create the script.
> regards
> Phil.
> P G Potter, 11 Regency Court, Mickle Trafford, Chester, UK.
> This message is confidential and intended for the use only of the person to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient you are strictly prohibited from reading, disseminating, copying, printing, re-transmitting or using this message or its contents in any way. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this message are not given or authorised by the Company unless otherwise indicated by an authorised representative independent of this message. The Company does not accept liability for any data corruption, interception or amendment to any e-mail or the consequences thereof. Emails addressed to individuals may not necessarily be read by that person unless they are in the office.
> On 30/09/2021 13:53, Das Goravani wrote:
>> Phil,
>> Yes, I needed to switch to just kLF or car(10) and then the script ran.
>> And yes I put bin/bash line on the first line. Thanks.
>> Now the problem is that signing everything is producing the same result on BigSur as the —deep command did. Namely it is inserting detritus such that the last command, to sign the app itself, won’t proceed.. it objects to the detritus.
>> So we mimicked —deep and got the same result on BigSur.
>> I cannot proceed. I am stuck. My utility is done but it doesn’t produce a working solution.
>> I imagine it’s fine under Catalina as —deep is also fine under Catalina.
>> A Catalina ISO file is available as is Xcode 11 so there is a work around if one pays for VMWare Fusion or the like.
>> I have notified Omnis.
>> I have suggested they give me a list of folders that contain what actually needs to be signed. I would try that and see if detritus is then not inserted.
>> I am going to write up a tech support question on Apple’s Developer Forum about this.
>> So we are still stuck, just on a different problem now that I’ve worked out the little details about scripting.
>> Thanks for everything,
>> Das Goravani
>>> On Sep 29, 2021, at 6:02 PM, Phil (OmnisList) <phil at pgpotter.co.uk <mailto:phil at pgpotter.co.uk>> wrote:
>>> Hi Das,
>>> First off, the #!/bin/bash needs to on be the very first line
>>> 2nd your using kCR for line breaks, as mentioned on the list, you need to use kLF.
>>> and yes, you can use kLF, not char(10).
>>> ie
>>> Calculate #S2 as con(#S2,kLf,lcCommand)
>>> regards
>>> Phil Potter
>>> Based in Chester in the UK.
>>> On 29/09/2021 18:11, Das Goravani wrote:
>>>> Now it has a problem with the path in the first command
>>>> I can copy paste that line into Terminal and it works
>>>> It just won’t work from running the script.. did the chmod thing already
>>>> This is really weird
>>>> New script attached
>>>> xattr: No such file or directory: line 1:
>>>> But if I copy the line out of the script and paste it into Terminal it runs just fine.
>>>>> On Sep 29, 2021, at 1:05 PM, Phil (OmnisList) <phil at pgpotter.co.uk <mailto:phil at pgpotter.co.uk>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Das,
>>>>> Yep, probably forgot to mention that a script file needs to start with:
>>>>> #!/bin/bash
>>>>> on the first line all on its own.
>>>>> defining the type of script file it is.
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Phil Potter
>>>>> Based in Chester in the UK.
>>>>> On 29/09/2021 17:57, Das Goravani wrote:
>>>>>> Phil,
>>>>>> Your input sought on this:
>>>>>> The first line of the script, it is stopping execution in terminal and saying
>>>>>> /Users/richard/Desktop/Script.sh: line 1: xattr: command not found
>>>>>> I have done the chmod successfully.
>>>>>> If I copy this XATTR -CR line out of the script and run it by itself exactly as it’s typed in the script
>>>>>> IT RUNS, terminal does the command just fine
>>>>>> But it won’t do it if it’s the first line of the script..
>>>>>> This is quite baffling.
>>>>>> I’m attaching the script as my utility generated it, chmod has been done on it
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