A little script problem

Doug Easterbrook doug at artsman.com
Wed Sep 29 20:56:53 UTC 2021

hi Das.

I believe that unix requires   linefeed as line endings on scripts.    CR (carriage Return) wont work — and thats the default mac line ending for text and pages.

I use bbedit (you can get a limited version free from barebones software) to edit unix scripts.        you just have to set the file’s line ending to Unix style line feeds.   You cannot, as far as I know, use TextEdit to make script files easily

to quote this web page:


A problem that often bites people working with different platforms, such as a PC running Windows and a web server running Linux, is the different character codes used to terminate lines in text files.

Windows, and DOS before it, uses a pair of CR and LF characters to terminate lines. UNIX (Including Linux and FreeBSD) uses an LF character only. OS X also uses a single LF character, but the classic Mac operating system used a single CR character for line breaks. In other words: a complete mess.

Problems arise when transferring text files between different operating systems and using software that is not smart enough to detect the line break style used by a file. E.g. if you open a UNIX file in Microsoft Notepad, it will display the text as if the file contained no line breaks at all. If you open a Windows file in a UNIX editor like “joe” or “vi”, you will see a control character (the CR) at the end of each line. Older versions of Perl on Linux would refuse to run any script that used Windows line breaks, aborting with an unhelpful error message.

Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at artsman.com
Phone (403) 650-1978

> On September 29, 2021, at 12:44 PM, Das Goravani <goravanis at gmail.com> wrote:
> It’s merging commands, before the first one ends, it has started the second with no carriage return, just straight into the next command
> I am going to post to Apples developer forum under Terminal and Script
> There are no invisibles, no wrong quotes, the commands run fine if pasted into terminal individually
> It’s in running the script, that terminal doesn’t see and respect the returns, and doesn’t finish one command, it starts the next
> I wonder if it’s me, my Terminal
> It seems to work except for this script
> The script is good viewed in Text and Pages
> It’s pretty simple, a simple task
> There’s code that captures all the file paths inside Omnis
> Then there’s code that concatenates the particulars of a code sign command with the path to make a command
> And then it is transmitted to the print file add new line for return
> Tried use car(13) instead of add new line, no effect
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