OS 10.1 27575 connecting to Postrgesql 13

Graeme Harris gfhwalkabout at fastmail.fm
Sat Oct 23 19:03:33 UTC 2021

Looking for some help connecting to Postgresql 13 on a local server with 
Omnis Studio 10.1 27575.

I have created Postgres 13 on my server and add several databases that I 
have copied over from a functioning postgres 11 server which is 
functioning fine, was hoping to upgrade my server. I am accessing all 
servers from my laptop over WiFi using an SSL tunnel and I am able to 
connect servers with pgadmin, DBeaver, Valentina Studio.

Omnis Studio 10.1 connects to the Postgres 11 server and has for the 
last few years but gets an error when connecting to the Postgres 13 
server. "LOGON FAILED - The SQL Browser was unable to log on : could not 
connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host 
"gfhserver.local" (fe80::c37:89b4:cc6d:2bb2) and accepting TCP?IP 
connections on port 5432? could not connect to server: Connection ref ". 
I thinking the problem may be in the Postgres DAM.

Any help will be appreciated,


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