Graph Legends disappearing in Studio 10.1 r29237

David Blaymires davidb at
Sun Oct 10 23:18:53 UTC 2021

Hi everyone,

Last year Mike Matthews mentioned in an email that one of his bright young things had solved the problem of the graph legends disappearing in Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina.   This was in relation to Studio 8.172.

We currently use Studio 10.1 r29237 and have the same problem.  Would Mike or someone be able to share the solution that may work in Studio 10.1 please?

Mike’s email is quoted below:

Our Bright New Young Man (Josh) has successfully notarized Studio v8.172 with Apple.

We have added several xComps from the usual suspects (you know who you are), modified the String Tables to show our product name, customised the FirstRunInstall folder, customised the Application Support folder location, and fixed the problem with the graph legends disappearing on OSX 10.15 Catalina.
David Blaymires
CEO : Instinct Systems : JobBag
davidb at

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