O7:Format JASON-string

Daniel Sananes daniel.s at kopparbergs.se
Wed Jan 6 19:50:00 UTC 2021


Is there some code or other tool that I could implement in Omnis 7 to format a JSON-string so it will be readable.
Below is a string received from an API-call:
[{"depo":{"srsId":"0002547061341"},"items":[{"number":"902","name":"Helpall Grå","types":[{"value":0,"name":"OK"}]},{"number":"901","name":"Helpall Svart","types":[{"value":0,"name":"OK"}]}]},{"depo":{"srsId":"0002547061358"},"items":[{"number":"901","name":"Helpall Svart","types":[{"value":0,"name":"OK"}]}]}]

I would like to extract the information and put the values into variables.

This JSON thing is new to me but I know it is a common subject here in our forum.

Best regards to everyone.


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