[EXTERNAL]Re: name of current list in OS10.1

Scotte Meredith spomacguy at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 22:04:57 UTC 2021

I put this up on GitHub a couple years ago. I have not updated it on since then, even though I've been using it extensively in the meanwhile is several applications. Many things have been added to it in the meanwhile and I hope to update GitHub in the future.

Here is a brief description of what it does.

"With CSS in HTML, you can change the CSS file and give your web pages an entirely different look. oCSS is an object that will do the same thing for your Omnis application simply by instanciating it in your window superclass."

The idea is that you can determine what you want each kind of field type in Omnis to look like, and by making changes in a single location, all objects in all windows get those properties. Very similar to how CSS works. You can have overrides on specific windows, or on specific fields. A way to do this is to put some hint into the $userinfo property of a field to override the default color and make it red, for example.

Once you've used this a little, you can re-skin an entire application very quickly or even read user-saved settings. 

This could be used to add the extra space you need on each list as it opens up, if that is the only thing you want to do.

https://github.com/SpoMacGuy/Omnis-CSS <https://github.com/SpoMacGuy/Omnis-CSS>

> On Jan 4, 2021, at 4:53 AM, Brian A O'Sullivan via omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com> wrote:
>> From: omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com> On Behalf Of Andrew McVeigh
>> Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 1:10 AM
>> $cobj doesn’t work so I’ll stick with your one liner with $cfield which does work
> Hi Andrew,
> $cobj is a reference to the current object "in focus", while $cfield is a reference to the object which contains the currently executing method. For initial set-up kinds of routines like yours, $cfield is the way to go 😊
> Brian A. O'Sullivan
> Axalta Coating Systems
> Delaware, USA

Scotte Meredith
spomacguy at gmail.com

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