_$OS 10.1 SmartList Column Movement

Martin Obongita martin.obongita at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 4 12:37:37 UTC 2021

Happy New Year to all Omnis Funs!
In the Omnis Hub sample library "list",I have modified the code to move a row content in a column down one line.I have inserted the method below in the $event of a btnObj named arrowDown:
Calculate lvLineNoNext as iList.$line+1Calculate lvLineCount as iList.$linecountIf lvLineNoNext>lvLineCount   Calculate lvLineNoNext as 1End IfCalculate iList.[iList.$line] as iMovedList.[lvLineNoNext]Calculate iList.[lvLineNoNext] as iMovedList.[iList.$line]Calculate iList.$line as iList.[lvLineNoNext]
Notice that I have added another list named MovedList to store the original list contents.
This method executes successfully and moves the contents of a row down one level.

But if I add another column to the SmartList and click the button arrowDown,Column_1 moves but Column_2 does not move at all.
Any ideas on how I can move all the contents of a row down a smartlist with multiple columns?
$Have a great 365 ahead of you all, and full of success, is my humble prayer for all funs$

Kind regards,Martin Obongita.

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