SQL 10.2

Marc De Roover omnis1 at arcict.com
Fri Apr 30 22:05:27 UTC 2021


If you have to have multiple users on you data, I would recommend to 
have a look at setting up a Postgres database (server) instead of 

Depending on how “complex” the DML is which you are using, you might 
run it to “issues” using the DMLtoSQL.
We are still in the process of reporting “issues” in the DMLtoSQL 
solution (our focus lies on Postgres) to the Omnis-team which handles 
them swifly.

I have to admit that our code is complex.

Since we are also still in DML ( lots of data files with many many 
segments ) we recently have been testing a M1-MacMini and are surprised 
by the performance bump this is bringing to Omnis.
We are also in the process of stress-testing the same machine as an ODB 



On 30 Apr 2021, at 17:27, Juan Bofill wrote:

> Hi
> Having problems with the build in conversion to SQLite. I put the 
> code:
> Add or uncomment in task $construct at the start
> 1)  Do $root.$prefs.$scale.$assign(100)
> 2)  Do $root.$prefs.$alwaysshowmainmenu.$assign(kTrue) ## Not 
> available in 4.2? Should keep the menues
> visable
> 3)  Do $root.$prefs.$oldlistsearching.$assign(kTrue) ## search list 
> correctly when highlighted
> 4)  Do $root.$devices.Screen.$visible.$assign(kTrue)Do 
> $root.$prefs.$mapdmltodam. $assign("SQLITEDAM")
> In the $construct of the STARTUP task. Is that correct?
> Thanks!
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