SQL 10.2

Juan Bofill juanbofillaba at gmail.com
Fri Apr 30 15:27:31 UTC 2021


Having problems with the build in conversion to SQLite. I put the code:

Add or uncomment in task $construct at the start

1)  Do $root.$prefs.$scale.$assign(100)

2)  Do $root.$prefs.$alwaysshowmainmenu.$assign(kTrue) ## Not available in 4.2? Should keep the menues


3)  Do $root.$prefs.$oldlistsearching.$assign(kTrue) ## search list correctly when highlighted

4)  Do $root.$devices.Screen.$visible.$assign(kTrue)Do $root.$prefs.$mapdmltodam. $assign("SQLITEDAM") 

In the $construct of the STARTUP task. Is that correct?


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