ODB 1.75

Paul Mulroney pmulroney at logicaldevelopments.com.au
Tue Apr 27 07:25:44 UTC 2021

Hi $All

maxproc and maxfiles rings a bell.  It was 2013 when we last looked at this.  We had a client with a lot of connected workstations, and a large datafile with lots of segments.  The short answer is the machine ran out of file handles, so we had to fiddle with the system parameters to adjust this.  You can see what the current limits are by typing:

sudo launchctl limit

The procedure to change the limits depends on the version of macOS that you're using.  Back in 2013, you could create an /etc/launchd.conf file, add a line for each limit you wanted to adjust, and then restart the system.  

For more recent versions, you may need to look at these articles:
https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/264958/what-does-serverperfmode-1-actually-do-on-macos <https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/264958/what-does-serverperfmode-1-actually-do-on-macos>


> On 27 Apr 2021, at 2:43 pm, IT <it at plastipol.com> wrote:
> Hi Juan,
> Perhaps, with so many data files, you need to turn on performance mode in macOS.
> https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202528 <https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202528>
> https://gist.github.com/davidalger/a3afa2410a40ce6ae59d4e6a3b18e5c7
> regards
> xavier
>> El 26 abr 2021, a las 17:37, Juan Bofill <juanbofillaba at gmail.com> escribió:
>> Hi all
>> 	I have converted from Omnis NON UNICODE to Omnis 10.2. I have over 60 data files converted in DML mode and the libraries are all working again in 10.2. It all looks ok up to this point!
>> 	Now, before converting to SQL, I thought I would try ODB 1.75 and see if I could get away with it while finally converting to SQL. It started to work with record locking and all!!!
>> 	After a while ODB 1.75 stops serving with apparent reason. Tried serving with Big Sur and High Sierra with same results.
>> 	I know I should be on SQL but would like to know why it stops like that. Computer is set to never sleep as well as hard disks.
>> 	Any help?
>> Thanks
>> Juan
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  <https://www.logicaldevelopments.com.au/>	Paul W Mulroney
Logical Developments
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 	We Don't Do Simple Pty Ltd
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