SOLVED Re: $listorrowtojson & $jsontolistorrow ($listtoobjectarray)

Phil (OmnisList) phil at
Thu Apr 22 15:40:06 UTC 2021

Curiously, I see these methods in O$817?

You seem to be saying they are not in O$10.1?

Or is it the functionality has changed somehow?

Phil Potter
Based in Chester in the UK.

On 22/04/2021 10:48, Mike Matthews - Omnis wrote:
> UK Support, Luke to be precise, came back this morning with this further help:
> I wasn’t using the reverse command of $listtoobjectarray with $objectarraytolist, but when I did, the Omnis List comes back really easily. :)
> Do OJSON.$listtoobjectarray(lvList,kUniTypeCharacter,lvErrorText) Returns #S1 ## Convert LIST/ROW data into JSON data
> Do OJSON.$objectarraytolist(#S1,lvErrorText) Returns #L1 ## Convert JSON data into LIST/ROW
> Mike Matthews
> On 22 Apr 2021, at 09:55, Mike Matthews - Omnis <omnis at<mailto:omnis at>> wrote:
> Well now, I have the solution.  As Bruno was v10.1 and I’m using v10.2, things have moved on a bit.  Giacomo also gave me a hint, and some screen shots from both helped me think a bit.
> There are new commands $listtoobjectarray, $listtoarrayarray to play with in v10.2

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