O$: Object vs Object Refence?
Rob Mostyn
mostyn at platformis.net
Mon Apr 19 08:53:58 UTC 2021
Hi Paul,
We have multiple applications with different operating paradigms. Some run thick client, some run jsClient, some are RESTful and some apps have a mixture.
All apps have a common infrastructure library ( infra.lbs ). Our most elevated superclasses are in infra.
The startup task does not kick off from infra though. The startup task is app/library specific.
We support both complete-single-connection-for-the-whole-app sessions and session pools. Sometimes we establish a single (instance object) connection for a specific window because it is connecting to a different database from the application norm. Our table classes in infra do not care which connection method is used. We don’t use object references though, but I don’t think that is relevant to this discussion. Most of our apps are using session pools but the motivation for implementing them is waning. We are considering moving away from them but there is no urgency.
Our technique is to call an “ensure session resource is there” method before every Begin statement command within the table classes and after the sql has been executed, release the session back to the session pool if that is where you obtained it from.
The code within a table method to fetch data looks like this:
Do $cinst.$ImmediateSession(loSession,loStatement) Returns lbImmediateSession
If lbImmediateSession
Do $cinst.$SetSession(loSession,loStatement)
Else If not(ibGoodConnectionToDb)
Quit method kFalse
End If
Begin statement
Sta:select [$cinst.$selectnames()]
Sta:from [$cinst.$servertablenames]
# etc
End statement
Do $cinst.$executesqlandfetch() Returns lbOK
If lbImmediateSession
Do $cinst.$SetSession(#NULL,#NULL,kTrue)
End If
loSession and loStatement and lbImmediateSession are local variables. lbImmediateSession is set true if you are using session pools and is used to determine if something needs to be released back to the pool. $ImmediateSession determines whether a session pool or task-var based session object or if, indeed, a specific session has already been assigned to the table class (this occurs when a window, say, is connecting to a specific db).
$ImmediateSession looks like this:
If $cinst.$sessionobject.$state=kSessionStateLoggedOn
# ready
Calculate ibGoodConnectionToDb as kTrue
Quit method kFalse
Else If $ctask.tFormSession.$state=kSessionStateLoggedOn
# this will remain persistently connected
Calculate $cinst.$sessionobject as tFormSession
Calculate $cinst.$statementobject as tFormStatement
Calculate ibGoodConnectionToDb as kTrue
Quit method kFalse
If icWhichDatabase<>''
Do $DynamicSession(pSession,pStatement,icWhichDatabase) Returns lbOK
Do $DynamicSession(pSession,pStatement) Returns lbOK
End If
Calculate ibGoodConnectionToDb as lbOK
If icSetTimeZone<>''
Do pStatement.$execdirect(icSetTimeZone) Returns lbTimezoneSet
If not(lbTimezoneSet)
End If
End If
Quit method lbOK
End If
Quit method kFalse
As you can see we even include timezone support for web based apps but igniore that for this thread.
$SetSession looks like this:
If pbKillSession
Do $cinst.$sessionobject.$assign(#NULL) Returns lbOK
Do $cinst.$statementobject.$assign(#NULL) Returns lbOK
Else If pSession.$state=kSessionStateLoggedOn
Do $cinst.$sessionobject.$assign(pSession) Returns lbOK
Do $cinst.$statementobject.$assign(pStatement) Returns lbOK
Else If $ctask.tFormSession.$state=kSessionStateLoggedOn
Do $cinst.$sessionobject.$assign($ctask.tFormSession) Returns lbOK
Do $cinst.$statementobject.$assign($ctask.tFormStatement) Returns lbOK
Breakpoint !
End If
When it comes to code in your visual or RESTful classes it looks like this…
When using session pools OR using a single connection throughout the app (for us this would be the Task basesd object tFormSession and tFormStatement)
Do yourList.$definefromsqlclass(’tClient’)
after that it doesn’t matter if you use pools or task based sessions, you simply call your sql method such as:
Do youList.$fetch_pk(primarykey)
Do yourList.$fetch_fk(foreignkey)
Do yourList.$fetchTodaysActions()
IF, however, you want to steer the connection away from your application norm, one does something like this:
Do yourList.$definefromsqlclass(’tClient’)
Do yourList.$SetSession(ioSession,ioStatement)
the ioSession and ioStatement you have established may have been determined with a $logon to a separate db within the instance you are running OR you may have added a Do yourList.$ImmediateSession() within the visual class if there is a transaction involved.
If you are running a transaction then you have to use the explicit $SetSession(ioSession,ioStatement) for each table class used within the transaction.
I would like to thank Sten-Erik for this “paradigm” of ‘grab session, use session, release session’ that applies to session pools. It has helped make our code very resilient to different application regimes.
Rob Mostyn
mostyn at platformis.net
+44 (0)20 3233 0044
As Carl Sagan once said:
One of the great commandments of science is, "Mistrust arguments from authority." ... Too many such arguments have proved too painfully wrong. Authorities must prove their contentions like everybody else.
> On 19 Apr 2021, at 07:55, Bruno Del Sol <bruno.delsol at bydesign.fr> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> The SQL architecture we use for js apps is :
> - each remote task instance has 1 Objectref instance var holding a SQL session
> - each remote task instance also has 1 Objectref instance var holding a SQL statement object (some time more than one if cursors are needed)
> - The SQL session (and statement) are lazy loaded, ie they are initialised and connected only right before the first $execdirect occurs during the remote task instance lifetime.
> - the main (desktop) task has also its own Objectrefs for 1 session and statement and is also lazy loaded, but practically those are used only at launch time to retrieve a bunch of app parameters from the database. It then sits idle and is eventually wiped out pretty soon by the RDBMS connection timeout.
> Therefore, no open SQL connection is held live.
> This setup has proven to be rock solid in production (no Omnis crashes, no memory leaks) on the 3 platforms combined with MySQL, PG and MSSQL. It also makes maintenance a lot easier because you can reboot servers or restart services (Omnis or rdbms) and your app will still be live as if it didn't happened.
> You may think this is too much changes for you app, but I'm not so sure, I was once using sessionpools also, and this change is far from being the trickier rewrite we had to do with Omnis over the years.
> Regards
> Bruno
> By Design
> http://www.bydesign.fr
> Bruno Del Sol
> bruno.delsol at bydesign.fr
> 46, rue de La Tour d'Auvergne
> 75009 Paris (France)
> Le 19/04/2021 à 02:04, Paul Mulroney a écrit :
>> Hi Everyone,
>> We've been using a class var to hold a Postgres session object ever since we started migrating our software to SQL. For a recent project, we're going to use one postgres database with multiple schemas, and found that our class var isn't going to work. The basic issue is that the session holds the current schema, so if you change schemas in one place, the next call elsewhere will use the new schema.
>> For our desktop app, that's going to be OK, because it always references the one schema. However we use the same framework for our jsClient - each connection could potentially reference a different schema.
>> My plan was to use a class var for the desktop, and instance vars for the jsClient, and somehow switch between the two. However, I couldn't find an easy way do that. The best I could find was to convert the Object to an Object Reference, and then I could easily pick between either the session pool or the class var.
>> Next problem: Our typical block of SQL code goes like this:
>> Do ioSQL.$mySessionObject returns voSQL
>> calculate vsQuery as <something>
>> Do voSQL.$execdirect(vsQuery)
>> ... etc
>> where voSQL is an Object.
>> My question: Can I have an Object Reference, and somehow get back to the Object? Otherwise, there's hundreds of lines of code across dozens of libraries that need to change <groan>
>> Regards,
>> Paul.
>> Why does a chicken coop have two doors? If it had four doors it would be a chicken sedan.
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