$cdevice = kDevRtf

Mike Matthews - Omnis omnis at lineal.co.uk
Tue Apr 13 19:33:05 UTC 2021

Hello All,

I’m trying to save a report as type RTF.  No real success, the report is garbage when opened up in Word for example.  Word makes, saves and opens RTF files ok.

pParaRow.FilePath is a proper path, and the file arrives in the right place with the right name.

Calculate $cdevice as kDevRtf
Do $cdevice.$setparam(kDevRtfFileName,pParaRow.FilePath)
Do $cdevice.$open()

Set report name [pParaRow.ReportClassName]
Print report * (pReportList,pParaRow)

Do $cdevice.$close()

So, does anyone know how to print an RTF report please?


Mike Matthews

Lineal Software Solutions
Commercial House, The Strand<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1> Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 1EU<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1>

omnis at lineal.co.uk<mailto:mike.matthews at lineal.co.uk>



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