[EXTERNAL]Report style table on the fly
it at plastipol.com
Fri Apr 9 07:37:09 UTC 2021
Hi Brian,
I will take a look to the “report data grid” and will look for the David Swain Tech Note.
It will be welcome your demo library.
Thank you in advance.
> El 8 abr 2021, a las 16:10, Brian A O'Sullivan via omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com> escribió:
> Hi Xavier,
> This sounds like a good opportunity to use the "report data grid", an external component that can be placed in your report.
> Each column in the grid can set the "::columntype" property to "kRLclmnAutoSize" to automatically expand based on the list content.
> David Swain wrote a Tech Note on this component many years back - hopefully it's still available at the Omnis website. I presented an example of creating a "generic grid report" at a prior EurOmnis. I'll send you the demo library from that session if I can find it!
> Brian A. O'Sullivan
> Bear, Delaware, USA
> Sensitivity: Business Internal
> -----Original Message-----
> From: omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com> On Behalf Of IT
> Sent: Thursday, April 8, 2021 5:53 AM
> To: OmnisDev List - English <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL]Report style table on the fly
> Hi,
> I need to print a report with a table of products and variable number of details.
> SKU Length Width Height Weight Material Colour
> 36102 490 300 200 1,1 Polypropylene Red
> 36103 500 300 225 2,0 Polypropylene Blue
> 36104 600 350 225 2,5 Polypropylene Grey
> The number and width of columns varies depending on the product line.
> So, I need to set the number of columns in the report and the adjust the width of the columns based on the content max length of the column and set position to the columns title labels.
> Is there a way to know how much space takes a report field based on the content and font used?
> Any advice to build a variable table style report on-the-fly ?
> regards
> xavier
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