Studio 10.1 $zeroempty falling

Phil (OmnisList) phil at
Thu Sep 24 12:56:21 EDT 2020


You may not be ODPP, but if its a bug, they will probably respond, and 
let you know the bug number.

It's always worth sending in demo libs of bugs, so it can be corrected 
in later versions.

Phil Potter
Based in Chester in the UK.

On 24/09/2020 17:44, Josh Luchies wrote:
> I sent a sample library to Omnis support, but since we don't subscribe 
> to ODPP, I don't think they've done anything with it.  I just set the 
> $visible property on the affected columns to hide them whenever they 
> are zero.  In the Record Section $print   I do
> Do $cinst.$objs.[MyObjectName].$visible.$assign(ListName.FieldName<>0)
> for each field that I want to hide.  This hides / shows the field 
> based on the list value of the column for the line being printed.

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