Studio 10.1 $zeroempty falling

Josh Luchies josh.luchies at
Thu Sep 24 12:44:07 EDT 2020

I sent a sample library to Omnis support, but since we don't subscribe 
to ODPP, I don't think they've done anything with it.  I just set the 
$visible property on the affected columns to hide them whenever they are 
zero.  In the Record Section $print   I do

Do $cinst.$objs.[MyObjectName].$visible.$assign(ListName.FieldName<>0)

for each field that I want to hide.  This hides / shows the field based 
on the list value of the column for the line being printed.

Josh Luchies
IT Administrator
Royal Homes Limited
Phone: 519 357 2606 ext 245

On 24 Sep 2020, at 11:27, IT <it at<mailto:it at>> wrote:

Hi all,

Anyone has noticed that report propierty $zeroempty is falling for Numbers but works for Integers ?

I?m getting printed reports cluttered with zeros.

This is running very last Omnis Studio 10.1 27575 under MacOS.

Any advice?



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