More Catalina and OS10.1 challenges

Das Goravani goravanis at
Thu Sep 10 18:21:32 EDT 2020

I just went through file encoding issues. In the end for me the secret was to use BBEdit and do a Save As and in my case save as UTF-8 with BOM.. then Omnis was able to recognize all the accent characters correctly on text I was importing. 

I learned a few things along the way.

Omnis 10.1 is UTF-8, just so you know. 

In your case, are you writing out what is at the writing out time a solid text block?  I ask because the function WriteCharacter writes out a character field using the chosen one from a huge selection of encoding options. It’s an alternative to exporting the normal ways.. it writes out a char field in an encoding of your choice.

I suppose myself that the advise you got that Omnis4 probably wrote out in something other than UTF-8, probably ANSI, sounds solid.. 

The world changed and new standards came out and took over. 

I forget how to phrase WriteCharacter or I’d paste that in.. I know I don’t have any examples of it.. use the online manual, it is one word for searching

I think it’s likely true too that the saving of the files you do to get by for now is just writing in a format that the importing machine recognizes and that’s good news because it probably means the encoding you want is one of the main ones out there.. or like that said it’s either with or without BOM perhaps

This all happened for me on Mojave didn’t have anything to do with Catalina, my case

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