More Catalina and OS10.1 challenges

Andrew McVeigh omnis at
Thu Sep 10 09:06:28 EDT 2020

We have an invoice payment process that create a payment file in ABA (Australian Banking Association) format that loads  into all of the banks online software to pay the invoices by EFT. has been working for ever in OS4 and older OS versions

Now the files we create through the same code do not load into the banking software with a variety of bad record messages starting with all of our OS10.1 customers

The way around is to open the ABA file in Text Edit, the cursor is in the top left position, press space and then delete to remove that space, close the file and save it , don't revert it and then the same file will load into the banks software

So the edit process sets some status or flag, what is happening and how do I set that flag or file setting gfrom Omnis so we don’t have to do this for each file?

Andrew McVeigh
Surfway Real Solutions
Phone 02 44412679 Mobile 0418428016
> On 10 Sep 2020, at 2:04 pm, Kelly Burgess <kellyb at> wrote:
> Hi Jim,
>> I’m not sure how to set up a Timer.
> Create an Object class and set the superclass to the Timer external object.  Instantiate the object, assign the $useseconds and $timervalue properties, then call the $starttimer method to get it running.
> Override the $timer method and put your action code there - that method will be called when the timer fires.
>> i’m not sure how to control eMails.
> Look at this post for steps to use the Net Wizard to create some example email methods.
> Also, via the Samples pane of the Hub in the Browser, you can look at the IMAP and POP3 OW3 worker object examples.
> Kelly
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