Omnis Studio
Phil (OmnisList)
phil at
Tue Sep 1 12:39:31 EDT 2020
ah ha, remote form, entry field, yes, in runtime you can set $errortext.
Did the most basic of tests, button control with click event, setting en
entry field errrotext, and yes its red...
On evClick
Calculate $cinst.$objs.tentry.$errortext as 'Test'
Phil Potter
Based in Chester in the UK.
On 01/09/2020 16:33, Martin Obongita via omnisdev-en wrote:
> Dear Phil,
> I have a remote form with a superclass for the class.In the main form I have some entry fields.In the superclass remote form I have an update button
> I wanted to capture any empty entries and highlight the field in red when the update button is clicked on.
> Do $cinst.$objs.securityCode.$forecolor.$assign(kRed)
> This line does not change the colour of the field. (animation style).
> Regards,Martin.
> On Tuesday, September 1, 2020, 6:20:24 PM GMT+3, Phil (OmnisList) via omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en at> wrote:
> Hey Martin,
> Just to point out your code snippet is not really showing enough
> information for anyone to help you...
> what is $cinst? is it a window with some object on it?
> If so, not sure I know an object with a property of $errortext.
> and setting the text would not set the colour anyway.
> if you have a text field, and set the text, then it will get set to that.
> Do $cinst.$objs.securityCode.$text.$assign('Missing security code')
> then you might additionally need to set the colour?
> Do $cinst.$objs.securityCode.$forecolor.$assign(kRed)
> for example...
> This is similar to the notation in O7.
> I will just point out, I don't know the sample lib you are using...
> regards
> Phil Potter
> Based in Chester in the UK.
> On 01/09/2020 15:35, Martin Obongita via omnisdev-en wrote:
>> Dear Jeff Gibson,
>> I want to change the colour of an entry field object using the the command line below:
>> Do $cinst.$objs.securityCode.$errortext.$assign('Missing security code')
>> For some reason, this method is not changing the colour when executed.
>> I'm using errorhandler sample library as an example.
>> Kind regards,Martin Obongita
>> On Monday, August 31, 2020, 8:12:12 PM GMT+3, Jeff Gibson <jgibson at> wrote:
>> Martin,
>> Welcome to the group!
>> I don't think you'll find a hard copy of it. I'm the same way though.
>> Always like a good hard copy manual to use because it's just easier to
>> navigate.
>> Obviously Omnis just generates PDF copies of the manuals now. However, you
>> could use a service like this. I don't think Omnis would have any kind of
>> issue with you printing copies for yourself. If this is wrong, somebody
>> please let me know.
>> I'm sure there are other companies that may even do a paper back even
>> cheaper.
>> What development language are you moving from?
>> Jeff Gibson
>> Oversite Online
>> Nashville, TN
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: omnisdev-en [mailto:omnisdev-en-bounces at] On Behalf
>> Of Martin Obongita via omnisdev-en
>> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 4:04 AM
>> To: omnisdev-en at
>> Cc: Martin Obongita <martin.obongita at>
>> Subject: Omnis Studio
>> Dear All,
>> Sorry to interrupt your conversation.
>> I am fairly new to Omnis Studio.I have enrolled for online training.I am
>> also reading the online documentation.The challenge I have is reading these
>> manuals online on the computer screen.
>> I love to to take notes on a hard copy document as I study through.I have
>> inquired from Omnis UK sales for these printed and bound manuals. They say
>> they don't have.
>> Therefore I am looking for hard copy manuals of Omnis Programming and Web
>> and Mobile App Development old version. Preferably starting from version
>> 8.If anyone is willing to give up his old copy, please send me a quotation.
>> Thank you.
>> Best regards,
>> Martin Obongita.
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