Jerry Lipscomb

Wayne Germann wgermann at PACIFIC.EDU
Wed Oct 21 17:55:15 EDT 2020

Hi Clifford!

-----Original Message-----
From: omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en-bounces at> On Behalf Of Clifford Ilkay
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 1:57 PM
To: OmnisDev List - English <omnisdev-en at>
Subject: Re: Jerry Lipscomb

I have been away from the list for a while preparing for this little event called "Prime Day" so I missed this bit of sad news. :( I will remember Jerry's laugh and his goofy sense of humor. May he rest in peace and my love and condolences to his family.


Clifford Ilkay

On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 11:13 AM Thad Bogert <thad at> wrote:

> Hi All,
> It saddens me to say I just learned that Jerry Lipscomb has passed away.
> I’m afraid that I do not have any details regarding his passing, but I 
> will say that he will be missed greatly.
> Jerry helped me to get my start in Omnis programming in the early 90s 
> after moving to Denver to work for Chris McCall who shared an office 
> with Jerry.  The move was my first time living away from friends and family.
> Jerry and Chris  took me under their wing and helped me to adjust to 
> my new home.  He became a big brother to me.
> Working with Jerry was an experience that I will always cherish.  I 
> remember how he, Chris and I would have debates about how to write the 
> tightest code. He helped me to grasp the KISS principle.
> Jerry’s passion for Omnis programming helped start the Omnis 
> Underground and would eventually lead him to a position at Omnis and a 
> product evangelist where eventually brought me on the team.  It was 
> great to watch him in action. His energy was infectious.  If anyone 
> could give Steve Jobs a run for the money it was him.
> Our paths diverged during the PICK merger.  I moved to California, and 
> he returned to consulting.  But we always remained good friends 
> despite the distance.
> I will miss you Jerry.
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