How do you validate notation before execution?

Michael Monschau michael at
Tue May 12 14:40:47 EDT 2020

So in light of this restated question, if I execute


And neither xyz, www, or $callme exist or just any one of them does not exist, $cando returns kFalse in my test, without triggering a notation error. I tested this with Studio

So for me, it is in fact testing the entire notation. Of course I have not tested all kinds of possible peaces of notation, so I cannot say with absolute certainty this will work in any given situation, but for the above it appears to work

I also tested the following


where ivRef is an unset reference, and it returned kFalse without triggering a notation error. 

Hope this helps,


Brainy Data Limited
The Home for Omnis components

> On 12 May 2020, at 17:47, Das Goravani <das at> wrote:
> Yes, what was being asked was a way to have something evaluate a notation string and return TRUE OR FALSE only and not stop and beep because a part of the notation is missing in action, object not there yet, field not on window yet, these should not beep.. want something that tells me if that notation can be run at this time or not, imperative that it not stop and beep.. it must move on and return flag True or flag False.. 
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