How to work with remote forms

Andy Hilton andyh at
Sun Jun 28 14:54:21 EDT 2020


I would always advocate testing these things one step at a time…..

So can you use that command from a browser on the computer running your omnis instance ?

I wouldn’t try getting to it from a different address until you can first get a connection locally…….its most likely the omnis app server settings and/or firewall 


> On Jun 28, 2020, at 2:32 PM, Das Goravani <das at <mailto:das at>> wrote:
> The method where you type into your phone:
> http://ip-of-desktop:omnisserver-port/jshtml/formname.htm <http://ip-of-desktop:omnisserver-port/jshtml/formname.htm> <http://ip-of-desktop:omnisserver-port/jshtml/formname.htm <http://ip-of-desktop:omnisserver-port/jshtml/formname.htm>>.
> Is on the phone resulting in an error saying “The URL can’t be shown”..
> Wish it would work.. 
> Any ideas why it won’t work?
> By the way thank you for posting it.. you are such a helpful bunch of people. 
> I rely on this list not only for tech support help, which it gives fully so well, but also, in my case, it adds an element of social life to my life which is otherwise very lonely… I have a dark mind.. I always have.. it’s in my Horoscope :-). No really I have problems with depression.. and being lonely doesn’t help.. but this list gives me a small amount of social life.. and it is VERY appreciated.. 
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Andy Hilton
Totally Brilliant Software Inc
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