SMTP attachment syntax

Das Goravani das at
Sat Jun 27 22:43:24 EDT 2020


Thanks for responding.. the Mac will ultimately serve my websites.. which are graphics heavy.. just thought if I have to spend $1000 on an i5 mini why not get an i7MBP with twice the RAM for the same price and it has a monitor and keyboard attached.. seemed like a better idea.. then again though you bring up a good point about performance, and. bandwidth is what slows down web reception.. having a faster server doesn’t really improve the surfers experience in most cases.. 

I want my investment in hardware to really last.. your point about minis lasting ten years is well taken.. that’s longer than laptops last.. if left on.. that’s what I was fishing for.. was input on longevity for one.. I think the mini was designed to be an entertainment server.. a server nonetheless.. always on.. Apple had to take that into account.. they seem hardier then laptops. 

I’m sorry I sent mixed messages.. I’m one confused lad.. the other day I was considering Linux hosting and completely forgot I have XCOMPS that require Mac or Win.. not Linux.. I can’t go there.. and I just forgot.. so you have to excuse me I’m learning about all this.. it’s new to me.. servers and all things about them.. 

And as for SMTP.. it only takes a few seconds to send an email using the Omnis command.. in the foreground.. that’s fine with me.. I dont need the worker.. even if I did go with the worker I still need to know how to pack a mime list.. I think I have an idea from seeing bits of it in mail… basically I think it’s two columns and first is type of media and second is the thing.. text or link to attachment.. I’m thinking.. but ill look it up on the web and manual to find out more. 

I’ll have only one a day at first.. but at best I’d have ten a day.. seems to me from my experience with this market.. I’m probably wasting money doing this but I can’t resist and hope for the best. It takes about 10 seconds to calc a chart, make the PDF and then a few more seconds to email it.. two of them colliding will be oh so rare.. for this the i3 MacMini would probably work fine and maybe I should scale back my spending and go for low and slow.. and cheap.. because of traffic.. you are bringing up a good point that causes me to pause and think


> On Jun 27, 2020, at 6:54 PM, Doug Easterbrook <doug at> wrote:
> if you can figure out the way to do it with OW3 workers, I’d do that ..  simply because it takes load of the foreground thread and lets your code keep on working.  you move from being completely synchronous to having some asynchronous work done
> i.e.
> if you can put work on the background thread, you get time back in omnis to handle more requests or whatever you are doing.
> you have mentioned in other posts
> 1) that you might have one request a day, so maybe performance DOESN'T matter in the long run.
> 2) but that you are considering macBookPro vs mac mini — so maybe performance DOES matter to you.
> for the record.   We’ve run 4 Mac Mini’s in server racks for almost 10 years, pretty much non-stop.   They were just quad core I7’s, but there far less heat with no monitor, and we din’t have to worry about apple’s wonderful expanding battery issue (on mac books) what show up after 3 or four years and require replacement.
> I can’t tell if performance is really an issue to you since I’m getting conflicting messages in your posts.
> Doug Easterbrook
> Arts Management Systems Ltd.
> mailto:doug at
> Phone (403) 650-1978
>> On June 27, 2020, at 5:14 PM, Das Goravani <das at> wrote:
>> The SMTP OW3 example has an Add Attachment class method.. but it doesn’t have much in it.. the worker example is very complex.. very well done.. wonderful.. but I only need how to add an attachment to a foreground sent mail message using the SMTP command..
>> I’ll try to figure it out using the manual.. and online help
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