How to work with remote forms

Mike Matthews - Omnis omnis at
Sat Jun 27 10:52:33 EDT 2020

The remote forms have different ‘Breakpoints’, ie screen sizes.

As you make your browser change size, objects will move to the next breakpoint positions.

So in the design of the Remote Form, check which size you are setting up.  There are 4 I think, but you can add more.

There are new commands to help place the fields on the other screen breakpoints.


Mike Matthews

omnis at<mailto:omnis at>

Lineal Software Solutions
01271 375999
Commercial House, The StrandBarnstaple, Devon, EX31 1EU<>

On 27 Jun 2020, at 15:47, Das Goravani <das at<mailto:das at>> wrote:

Hello Everyone, Hi, Greetings,

I’m just starting out working with remote forms for really the first time..

I have a clear cut project in mind and am beginning the first form.  I am starting with the smallest form, that is for the phone at 320 pixels.. and I’m able to place my objects just fine and arrange them fine

But when I view it Command-T it comes up with things in different places than I put them.. it moves things around..

I placed my objects well within the bounds of the 320 slice, so I dont know why they need to move and resize..

How do you control where your items get placed when viewing Command-T.. and it comes up in your browser.. how do you control where things will be placed on the 320 division for phone..

Seems to me it ought to respect where you put things.. it shouldn’t move them if you are well within bounds.. I dont get something basic..

Does it appear differently if you view it in oBrowser?  How do you do that.. when you want to view it.. in oBrowser, what do you do.. what code do you run.. I only know how to Command-T it or start up the server and run it as a web page the served way.. I actually dont know how to do that right now but I did it once so I know its possible to test your page on your phone with Omnis being the server.. dev copy of Omnis being the server.

I’m bummed that right out the gate I have an initial visual problem.. I imagine one can get exact placement of objects on the phone.. if you can’t then Remote Forms needs a GUI improvement.. because you HAVE TO be able to do exact placement of items on the screen..

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