Omnis in Git nighty builds
Alex Clay
aclay at
Wed Jun 24 05:25:45 EDT 2020
Hi Henk,
We use omniscli ( <>) to do command-line .lbs builds from our custom VCS. I'd love to use the JSON/.omh export with our bitbucket repo, but that requires a tremendous amount of work to stop using associated classes between projects.
I put together a ci.lbs project a few years back that exports and imports between a ,lbs and JSON/.omh. Check it out here: <>
As for building with Jenkins, that's completely doable. We do that multiple times a day with multiple projects. It take some doing to get your systems to that point, but there is no other way I'd rather manage builds.Using JSON/.omh would let us control code changes through pull requests and would be even better, but we're not quite there.
Congrats on getting to the point of JSON export/import!
> On Jun 24, 2020, at 05:18, Henk Noppe <h.noppe at> wrote:
> Dear Omnis people,
> Finally we are ready take a next step to take our Omnis code to Git. Something which is mandatory for us is to be able to create scheduled/automatic nightly builds. At the moment this is done by a Omnis Dev version which is always open on a Mac Mini and has a connection open to the VCS. Futher this Omnis version has set a scheduled build to create a nightly build in a folder. Next a Jenkins Job picks up the library. It makes the library availble for the Q&A people and triggers some other jobs.
> Our problem with this setup is that Omnis always has to started and has to have a open connection to the VCS. We have experienced some wonkyness in how the schedule settings work. This triggered us to look in to building the nightly builds from Git/Json. This gives the ability to checkout the latest sources from Git from the commnd line. Import and save the library with a library which can be loaded from the command line. My question is: Are there people here who already have done this? What are the pitfalls? Does anyway have a library available which he/she wants to share?
> Thanks in adance!
> Grtz Henk
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