$O5.0.1 Modify Slot Names via Notation.

Gordon Wilson g_r_wilson at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 20 15:05:49 EDT 2020

Hi Kelly,
That makes sense, I’ll give it a try. Sounds like a solution that might work. I’ll let you know how it goes. 
Kind regards, Gordon. 

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On Saturday, June 20, 2020, 5:02 PM, Kelly Burgess <kellyb at montana.com> wrote:

Hi Gordon,

>The reason for doing this is to do with converting from DML to SQL and changing the case of $files from mixed to lower case.

Not directly tied to your slot naming, but I've had occasion in the past to try and rename things in Omnis by just changing the case, and it failed.  What turned out to work, though, was to first rename to a different spelling, then rename again to the original desired value.  It was like Omnis ignored my first attempt because all the letters matched, case-insensitively.  By doing two renames in a row, the first to change the name to a different spelling, the second to restore the name but in different case, I got the job done.  Maybe that'll work for you.

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