The Omnis App Server
Bruno Del Sol
bruno.delsol at
Wed Jun 17 15:17:33 EDT 2020
Le 17/06/2020 à 18:39, Das Goravani a écrit :
I’m a tad bit excited about what I can do with the Omnis App Server..
In my case, it is an astrological report that I’m selling and that they
are entering data for..
So they pay.. on a shopping cart
Then data entry appears, this is a remote form
Once they’ve entered the needed data the calculations begin
These take about 10 seconds..
Then a PDF is available to email them
And the same data can be brought up on screen for viewing right away
That’s it.. so I don’t have a big app to serve up… I mean I could but
no that’s not what I’m doing.. I’m merely having a data entry portal
that is linked to the calculation engine which is pure Omnis.. I’m in
Omnis in a big way.. not to be re written in something else.. I’m in
Omnis for sure.. so my only chance to serve my routines to the world is
the Omnis App Server… so I’m VERY GLAD it exists..
Just to check: You can make simple Omnis JS Remote Forms.. and those
can be accessed by surfers with just their browser.. you can specify an
URL that launches your remote form as a page and the user can interact
with it straight away in their browser.. you DO NOT NEED a thin client
or something that downloads first.. you can use just a browser.. IS
I want people to go from regular web page, to payment to form to output
without any download phase
What then is the “thin client”.. what is it for?
Omnis came up with their own rather illformed naming for different tech
stack they provided to "webify" Omnis :
- the "thick client" is no longer supported since Studio 5, forget
about it
- the "thin client" aka "js client" is the remote form thing that is
now their main product for the web and mobiles
see samples here [1]
- the "ultrathin client" aka "rest server" is when you use remote tasks
only (no remote forms) to ouput raw data to a js app not written with
see a sample here
Is the thin client the same as the wrapper?
no, the wrapper is there to let you build a standalone app (no browser)
for the mobile stores (apple store and google store) on top of the js
client. It gives another option to deploy your app as a standalone for
I dont understand those things yet.. I can ask Omnis but they tend to
answer “too small”.. for me to understand fully
In any case THANK YOU for your answer to my previous email…
Why do you need Apache on the Mac.. I thought Omnis did the serving
itself.. once upon a time I did a test with just me as one user.. I
turned on the Omnis server and I served up one form and tested that on
my iPhone and it worked.. I didn’t have apache.. the form worked on my
Omnis is able only to serve the content of its html subfolder and lack
most of the important features that provides a full web server. In
production it is always coupled with Apache, Nginx or IIS.
Now say you open the jsDatagrid.lbs sample from within your copy of
Omnis dev. The web page will be available at a private url
How do you make it public worldwide ?
You will need to register a dns name, ie for instance.
This dns name will point to a host you own where you'll set up Apache
and the whole Omnis tree and in the end you'll have a valid worldwide
accessibl url at :
in fact your rapidweaver site at [5] most likely
already uses Apache as web server.
see this technote about the Apache setup for Omnis
(sorry the Mac bit is obsolete, though, you should ask Omnis they
update it)
But I was only one user.. maybe Apache kicks in when there’s more than
one user.. I dont get Apache yet.. I know it’s server software, but
what that means exactly I dont yet get
Anything you say is helpful…
Thanks for being there to comment… what you’ve done already.. is
Das Goravani
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