Can you sort a Row Variable

Doug Easterbrook doug at
Mon Jun 8 10:28:54 EDT 2020

hi Michael.

I’m not sure sorting the columns alphabetically in a row (or a list) has much purpose internally.

so I’m guessing you are trying to display the contents of a row in some form to the user.

in a list, you can display as a headed list and then change the VIEW order of the columns using $displayorder on the headed list control

so if the columns are     FieldZ, FieldA.  you set the headed list’s $displayorder to  2,1  to see the fields in a different order than the list definition.

the key is that the internal list definition never changes — only the external display of it.

Row variables are super handy.   We think of them as name-value pairs and pass them around methods as parameters.   Far better than a long list of parameters where if you get one thing out of order, you have broken code.

in TMOBJS, there is a function called  $makeparamrow that lets you add or replace values in the row, as well as combine two rows.

this is super handy for adding a new variable to the row that you pass to the next method.

so thats all about the contents of a row — and the need to use them

how do you display that the easiest way.

Me, I’d loop the row and load it into a list for display purposes since a single row is proably easiuer to view vertically than horizontally.   and then you could sort the list columns.


do list.$define(’Name’,’Value’)
for loop = 1 to row.$colcount
  do List.$add(row.[loop].$name,row.[loop].$value)
end for

so list.$sort(’Name’,0)

now the list is sorted by name of field.

if you use TMOBJS, you could put that back into a row sorted by column if you want

for list.$line=1,list.$linecount
 do TMOBJS.$makeparamrow(newrow,list.Name,list.value)
end for

and now the field names in newrow should be sorted alphabetically.

but then, as I mention, tailoring the internal representation of a row for external viewing - doesn’t make quite sense to me as I try to think of why I’d do it.

rows are just fantastic places to store name value pairs.

Doug Easterbrook
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
mailto:doug at
Phone (403) 650-1978

> On June 8, 2020, at 5:24 AM, Michael Mantkowski <michaelj at> wrote:
> I have not used Row Variables that much.  I am trying to sort a row of field
> names alphabetically to help someone find the field they want.  I have tried
> several variations on the below and can't seem to get any of them to do
> anything.  The docs seem to say the $sort is part of the notation for row
> variables but there are no examples.  Lists are strait forward since you
> have column names, but I am not getting anywhere with the Row.
> Any help?
> Do iDataRow.$sort($ref.$cols.1,kFalse)
> Do $cinst.$redraw()
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