$ and macOS 10.14.6 keeps crashing while debugging

Denis Woodbury denis at woodmic.net
Fri Jun 5 09:54:23 EDT 2020


Of course if you don’t save at every change you lose the code in all classes that was changed.

Wondering if it's just me or this is happening to others ?

And if it does, what's the fix ?

Thanks all

denis woodbury 

On 2020-06-05, 8:02 AM, "omnisdev-en on behalf of Rob Mostyn" <omnisdev-en-bounces at lists.omnis-dev.com on behalf of mostyn at platformis.net> wrote:

    And a slightly different angle Das…   which relies on use of row variables instead of the CRB

    Do irCurrent.$fetch_pk()     ## re-fetch row from db before editing
    calculate irOriginal as irCurrent

    then after the uses clicks save:

    Do oStringThings.$hasRowBeenModified(irOriginal,irCurrent) returns lbModified
    If lbModified
       do irCurrent.$update() returns lbOK
       if lbOK
          Calculate irOriginal as irCurrent
       End if
    End if

    - - - -

    If you provide a stateless window (where the data is fetched and all fields are modifiable without clicking on edit button) you can put 
    Do oStringThings.$hasRowBeenModified(irOriginal,irCurrent) returns ibModified

    in the $control of the window On evAfter or evClick
    and enable the Save/cancel buttons if ibModified is true.


    The $hasRowBeenModified is available in the object oStringThings in our INFRA project on Git… but here it is in text:

    ##### Method '$HasRowBeenModified' #####
    No.	Parameter	Type	Subtype	Init.Val/Calc	Description
    1	pOrig	Row
    2	pNew	Row
    3	pReturnColNames	Boolean	kFalse
    4	pExcludeTheseCols	Character	100000000
    5	pOnlyTestTheseCols	Character	100000000
    6	pNullAndEmptyAreSame	Boolean	kFalse
    7	pcOnlyTestColsWithThisPrefix	Character	10

    No.	Local Variable	Type	Subtype	Init.Val/Calc	Description
    1	lbinNew	Binary	100000000
    2	lbinOrig	Binary	100000000
    3	lbModified	Boolean
    4	lbTestThisCol	Boolean
    5	lcColName	Character	100
    6	lcModifiedCols	Character	100000000
    7	lcValNew	Character	100000000
    8	lcValOrig	Character	100000000
    9	lnColCount	32 bit integer
    10	lnModifiedColsCount	32 bit integer

    # compares two row vars and reports back modified cols
    If pExcludeTheseCols<>''
    # surrounding comma separated column list with commas allows the efficient test below to work
    Calculate pExcludeTheseCols as con(',',pExcludeTheseCols,',')
    End If
    If pOnlyTestTheseCols<>''
    # surrounding comma separated column list with commas allows the efficient test below to work
    Calculate pOnlyTestTheseCols as con(',',pOnlyTestTheseCols,',')
    End If

    For lnColCount from 1 to pOrig.$colcount step 1
    Calculate lcColName as pOrig.$cols.[lnColCount].$name()
    Calculate lbTestThisCol as kFalse

    If pOnlyTestTheseCols<>''
    If pos(con(',',lcColName,','),pOnlyTestTheseCols)>0
    Calculate lbTestThisCol as kTrue
    End If

    Else If pExcludeTheseCols<>''
    If pos(con(',',lcColName,','),pExcludeTheseCols)>0
    Calculate lbTestThisCol as kFalse
    Calculate lbTestThisCol as kTrue
    End If

    Else If pcOnlyTestColsWithThisPrefix<>''
    # make sure prefix includes _ delimiter
    If pos('_',pcOnlyTestColsWithThisPrefix)=0
    Calculate pcOnlyTestColsWithThisPrefix as con(pcOnlyTestColsWithThisPrefix,'_')
    End If

    If mid(lcColName,1,pos('_',lcColName))=pcOnlyTestColsWithThisPrefix
    Calculate lbTestThisCol as kTrue
    Calculate lbTestThisCol as kFalse
    End If

    Calculate lbTestThisCol as kTrue
    End If

    If lbTestThisCol
    Calculate lbModified as kFalse

    If pOrig.$cols.[lnColCount].$coltype=kBinary
    # we started getting runtime character as binary errors about 10/12/2010
    # so this code was added to explicitly handle binary comparisons
    Calculate lbinOrig as pOrig.C[lnColCount]
    Calculate lbinNew as pNew.C[lnColCount]

    Calculate lbModified as not(bincompare(lbinOrig,lbinNew)) ## bincompare() Returns true if they are equal

    If pos('JSON',upp(pOrig.C[lnColCount].$name))>0
    Calculate lcValOrig as OJSON.$formatjson(pOrig.C[lnColCount])
    Calculate lcValNew as OJSON.$formatjson(pNew.C[lnColCount])
    Calculate lcValOrig as pOrig.C[lnColCount]
    Calculate lcValNew as pNew.C[lnColCount]
    End If

    If isnull(lcValOrig)&isnull(lcValNew)
    # no change
    Else If pNullAndEmptyAreSame&len(lcValOrig)=len(lcValNew)&len(lcValNew)=0
    # no change
    Else If isnull(lcValOrig)&not(isnull(lcValNew))
    Calculate lbModified as kTrue
    Else If not(isnull(lcValOrig))&isnull(lcValNew)
    Calculate lbModified as kTrue
    Else If lcValOrig<>lcValNew
    Calculate lbModified as kTrue
    End If
    End If

    If lbModified
    Calculate lnModifiedColsCount as lnModifiedColsCount+1
    Calculate lcModifiedCols as con(lcModifiedCols,pick(lcModifiedCols<>'','',','),lcColName)
    End If
    End If
    End For

    If pReturnColNames
    Quit method lcModifiedCols
    Quit method lnModifiedColsCount
    End If

    > On 4 Jun 2020, at 22:40, Alex Clay via omnisdev-en <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com> wrote:
    > Hi Das,
    > I'll echo what others have said that smartlists are a great way to do this, especially if the goal is to push changes to the database.
    > If you just need to compare data in memory, OmnisTAP has an $is_list assertion that compares two lists. Feel free to re-use the code: https://github.com/suransys/omnistap/blob/master/src/omnistap/OmnisTAP/ogTAPMethods/%24is_list.omh <https://github.com/suransys/omnistap/blob/master/src/omnistap/OmnisTAP/ogTAPMethods/$is_list.omh>
    > You could also try converting the lists to JSON and doing a simple <> comparison on the resulting text.
    > Alex
    >> On Jun 4, 2020, at 13:12, Das Goravani <das at goravani.com> wrote:
    >> Hello all
    >> Any ideas on “telling if some data has changed” in a complex situation where there are many fields in a file, some rows, that could have changed.. when they close the window.. to be able to tell if something has changed, is there an easy way? 
    >> How does one track if something has changed.. the hard coded way seems big.. putting code in all places where something could change that tracks if something has.. seems like a big retrofit task
    >> I’m wondering if there’s a compare function I’ve overlooked.. or a technique I haven’t thought of
    >> Any input appreciated
    >> Das
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